AI-Generated Synthetic Data

A Cost-Effective Solution for Machine Learning Training?

Mohammed Brückner
3 min readAug 8, 2023

As the demand for high-quality training data continues to grow in the field of machine learning, AI-generated synthetic data has emerged as a promising solution. This approach involves using algorithms to analyze pre-existing real-world data, identify patterns and characteristics, and then introduce some degree of randomness to generate new samples while still preserving privacy. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of using synthetic data for machine learning training, and discuss the potential benefits and limitations of this technique.

Advantages of Synthetic Data

Privacy and Security

One of the primary advantages of synthetic data is its ability to protect privacy and security. By generating artificial datasets, organizations can avoid disclosing sensitive information that could compromise privacy or security. This is particularly important in industries such as healthcare, finance, and government, where data privacy regulations are strict.


Creating new datasets through traditional methods can be expensive, time-consuming, or even impossible in some cases. Synthetic data generation provides a cost-effective way of generating large amounts of training examples with variable characteristics. This can save organizations both time and money, allowing them to allocate resources more efficiently.

Diverse Data Generation

With artificial intelligence algorithms creating the dataset based on patterns identified from pre-existing real-world samples while maintaining representativeness but introducing randomness, it is possible to generate diverse datasets quickly. This can help machine learning models generalize better and perform more accurately in real-world scenarios.

Disadvantages of Synthetic Data

Quality Control Issues

The quality control process for synthesized datasets requires careful attention because errors made during synthesis will propagate throughout the model development cycle. It is essential to ensure that the generated data is accurate, representative, and free from bias. Organizations must invest in robust quality control processes to minimize the risk of errors and inconsistencies.

Overfitting Risk

Models trained on AI-generated synthetic data may over-fit as they are created specifically designed around features observed in existing training sets rather than exploring novel ones. This can result in poor performance in real-world scenarios, where the data may differ significantly from the synthetic data used for training.

Limits due to Dataset Complexity

There are limits to how complex a dataset can become using current technology; therefore, there may still not be enough variability within certain fields. This can limit the applicability of synthetic data in certain domains, such as computer vision or natural language processing, where the complexity of the data is critical.

When to Use Synthetic Data

While synthetic data offers several advantages, it is crucial to consider the specific use case before deciding whether to use synthetically generated training sets. Factors to consider include the complexity of the data, the need for diverse datasets, and the potential risks associated with overfitting. Organizations should evaluate the tradeoffs between using synthetic data and collecting raw (or near-raw) observational evidence. They must also assess the costs and benefits of investing in robust quality control processes to ensure the accuracy and representativeness of the generated data.

Getting started with Synthetic Data

Here are some resources to get you going.

“Synthetic Data Generation with GANs Tutorial” by Andrew Ng’s DeepLearning.AI:

“Creating Synthetic Data with Python” by DataCamp:

“Synthetic Data Generation Using Python” by Edureka:

“How to Create Synthetic Data for Machine Learning” by Towards Data Science:

“Synthetic Data Generation with Python and GANs” by KDNuggets:

A(I) wrap!

AI-generated synthetic data offers a promising solution for machine learning training, particularly in situations where privacy and security are paramount. However, it is crucial to carefully evaluate the pros and cons of using synthetic data in each use case. While it can provide cost-effective and diverse datasets, it also carries risks related to quality control and overfitting. By understanding these factors, organizations can make informed decisions about whether synthetic data is the right choice for their machine learning training needs.



Mohammed Brückner

Author of "IT is not magic, it's architecture", "The DALL-E Cookbook For Great AI Art: For Artists. For Enthusiasts."- Visit