Gladly, I have my own tool written in the programming language of choice, Turbo Pascal. For the success of human kind I will share it right now and here:
program AutoContentGenerator;
SearchQuery: string;
NewsArticles: array of string;
ArticleContent: string;
// Set up the search query
SearchQuery := 'news from the last day';
// Perform a Google search using the query
NewsArticles := GetGoogleSearchResults(SearchQuery);
// Loop through each article and extract its content
for I := 0 to Length(NewsArticles) - 1 do
ArticleContent := ExtractContentFromHTML(NewsArticles[I]);
// Do something with the extracted content (e.g., save it to a file, display it on a web page, etc.)
function GetGoogleSearchResults(const Query: string): array of string;
// Implement logic to perform a Google search using the given query
// For example, you could use an HTTP client library like Indy to send a GET request to the Google search API
// Return an array of URLs pointing to the latest news articles from the last day
function ExtractContentFromHTML(const HTML: string): string;
// Implement logic to extract the main content from an HTML document
// You might need to remove ads, navigation bars, and other irrelevant elements
// Use a library like Beautiful Soup or a regular expression pattern to parse the HTML
// Return the extracted content as plain text