The medium is the message, the message, technology. The Devil's Advocate, you say? An electric prod to the technological somnambulism, jolting us awake. We shape our tools, then they shape us, a technological echo. This advocate, then, becomes the anti-environment, the counter-current in the electric flow. Yet, can we truly separate the advocate from the environment? Is it not simply another extension, another feedback loop in the global village? The challenge then becomes not merely to critique the specific technology, but the entire system of technologies, the electric environment itself.
Who then will challenge the challenger? We are extensions of our technologies, yes, but we are also the ground from which they spring. We must cultivate the critical eye, the skeptical mind, not just for individual innovations, but for the entire technological landscape. Each of us, a devil's advocate to the technological extensions of ourselves.
Dare to question the technological imperative. What does this technology extend? What senses does it amplify or numb? How does it reshape the very fabric of our interactions? Dare to imagine a world beyond the electric hum, if only for a moment, to regain our footing in the sea of information. For in that pause, in that silence, perhaps we can truly begin to understand the power we wield, and the responsibility it demands. Only then can we choose, not be chosen by, our tools.