This one is for you, Nobre:
Back to yours: Interesting read. I can certainly feel the frustration radiating through the narrative. You raise some very valid points about the integration challenges, hallucinations, cost, transparency, and intellectual property concerns.
However, remember that this technology is in its infancy, still in the "genesis" phase on the Wardley map. Early on, any product has issues, often many, but over time those get resolved, usually in unanticipated ways, and as users and the technology co-evolve, the user needs also change. It's not just about Microsoft reacting but about Microsoft and the users co-evolving.
That evolution is inevitable. It is like a river flowing down a mountain. It may take time, even decades, but the destination is clear - even if we don't exactly know where that river will eventually lead. You have to choose - flow with it, or be left behind, but resist its destination? That is the choice before you.